I Stumbled across Brokk Arm recently and I felt I could give an industrial arm a shot, to further validate my modelling and animation skills. Something new to Brooks peripheral is my custom made End-Of-Arm-tooling (EOT) -  a skeletal robotic hand with numerous degrees of freedom allowing for a more flexible way of handling objects.

Thrill your eyes with a world class animation showing it's working video here .

To get this working in reality, some sort of programming must be needed.
For example; 
Move to P1 (to a safe position)
Move to P2:drive H1 (a position to pick the object) 
Open right gripper
Close right gripper
Move to P3:drive H2 
Move to P4:drive H3 (a position to rotate hand)
Rotate Hand
Move to P5 (a position to rotate arm)
Rotate Arm......and so on 
NOTE: Operation of EOT depends on the nature of Object (scale, shape factors etc.). Hence, some other operation modes are not represented here.

Spherical Object on BASE 1 ready to be conveyed to the next platform, BASE 2.

End of Working Envelope- BASE 2.

Industrial Arm in Place, ready for operation at P1.

View showing rotary EOT with 3 fingers, 1 top and 2 side grippers.

Arm descends low, ready to pick Object from Base 1 at P2, courtesy of an hydraulic actuator, H1.
 The right gripper is flung open allowing ball to roll in..
Object rolls down after being released via a knock by an actuator on BASE 1.

Object picked up by Arm, right grip closes too.

Object raised to a position, say P3 by Hydraulic Actuator H2.

Object raised further to a position say, P4 by Hydraulic Actuator H3.

EOT ready to rotate by 45 degrees in the clockwise direction.

EOT rotated by 45 degrees.

Hydraulic Actuator, H4 ready for drive.

EOT moved to Position P5, courtesy H4.

Industrial Arm ready to rotate 90 degrees to P6.

Arm at P6 and ready to deliver object to BASE 2- reason for EOT rotation earlier on.

Proximal set of finger-grippers unfolds.

Intermediate set of finger-grippers unfolds.

Distal set of finger-grippers unfolds, releases object.
Object (ball) rolls down

Object successfully delivered to BASE 2.
Finger-grippers in Status quo, Arm ready to return to P5.

Arm returns to P5....

Powered by LIMSTECH........


  1. Nice one , #mindblown , this serves as a motivation


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